on December
Happy 4th Bithday -Litter "C"!
Wow! 4 years ...it feels
like yesterday ...lovely litter of 2 boys and 2 girls
:) and they turned 4 today -Time flies ! Thank you very
much all Litter C-"pearls" owners who share
your hearts love and care with our treasures. Special
thank you to the two Smith families who stay in touch
with us all these years , sending us pictures and sharing
lovely stories ! I cannot resist to post one I got today

"Hi Lina,
Just wanting to say Happy
Birthday to Litter "C"!! They are 4 years old
Maddie has been a true gift for us - she is a happy girl
100% of the time - she is friendly to everyone and loves
other dogs. There is no aggression towards people or other
dogs - she might bark initially but always friendly and
happy to greet them. She makes us laugh all the time with
some clownish behavior and seems to be happiest when getting
us all to smile at her!
Her favorite thing is to play with her ball - she loves
to go get it and bring it back - she could play that 500
times in a row and still not be tired. She also has a
excellent search and recover ability - we hide the ball
or a toy while she sits in one room - then tell her to
find it. She uses her nose & mouth and catches it's
scent and will find it every time ! It's really fascinating
and she is so proud of herself when she returns with the
object. She loves to go for walks and we are always stopped
by people asking about her and admiring her beauty as
well as her 'high- stepping' prance!! She really stops
traffic sometimes! I think we got a natural show dog here!!
I noticed you didn't have a show dog out of Litter C -
I think Maddie should of been one.
She is 11 pounds at last doctor 's visit (1 month ago)
and stands 13 1/2 " from the top of her shoulders
to the floor. Her coat is thick and still jet black. There
is a bit of brown in her little moustache and maybe a
hint of grey in her beard under her chin - otherwise she
is coal black .
She has been raised by my husband and I and loves us both
but I'd have to say that I'm definitely her favorite.
She is a Mama's girl. She is glued to my side 98% of the
time. I knit a lot and she lays beside me or on my lap
with the strands of yarn running across her head and body
... She 's never minded or even tried to fuss with it.
Anyway just wanted to give
you an update on our Maddie on her birthday and thank
you again for choosing us to be her family. We are blessed
to have her and tell her everyday!
Hope all the other "litter c's" are as wonderful
and happy as our "Maddie Girl".
Happy 4TH Birthday "Litter C "!
Sue Smith"

on November
We Got Puppies...Litter "E "- is for Exellence!
We got 2
boys and 2 girls :)

October 31,2013
Happy Halloween! BP Calendar 2014 are coming .....
We wish
all of you Happy Halloween and Upcoming Holiday Season!
We are also happy to announce that upon multiple requests
we are resuming to publish our Lovely Table and Wall Calendars
and ALL PEARLS are very welcome to sent us their pictures(size
= 2MB or more), so we can put them in . The first batch
is on the way and will be ready in December . Just shoot
me the email and I will provide you with info if you are
interested in getting one.
Also cannot resist not to
put lovely pic of Hershey , from Litter C- (Jazz X Jack),
who tries his best to look GRET in the 2014 Calendar !

on September
15th and Sept 21 st ,2013
E: Due to November 24th
Sire: Am
Ch Jasenak Rock-N-Roll (Jack )
Dam: Jasenak Background (pointed)
Same combination as Litter
A and Litter C

on September
14th 2013
are the CHAMPIONS!!!
We are very happy to brag
to the world that our Canadian and UKC champion Black
Pearl Golden Gate to Our Destiny (Destiny) became American
champion finishing in BB class with final 4 point major
today !!! Many thanks to ALL my friends who supports us,helps
us with grooming and training ,we are all VERY HAPPY!!!

on July
4th-7th 2013
from Ventura, CA!
We got BOW WB 2 days and
4pt Major under Judges Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Sandy Weat
. Just 3 points left to became American CH!
We also meet the friends
and have LOT OF FUN!!!

on May
18-19th 2013
a great time we had with Destiny ,showing at Vallejo,
We got BOB, BOW WB both
days under Judges Mrs. Sue Goldberg andMs. Carolyn A.
Herbel. Total 8 points toward American CH

on March
22-24th 2013
Pearl Golden Gate to Our Destiny
) was showing Great at Vallejo, CA!
We got WB under Judge Mr.
Robert R. Frost ; and Reserve WB under the Jadges Mr.
James E. Noe and Mr. Luc Boileau . Total 6 points toward
American CH

on March
24th , 2013
Pearl Golden Gate to Our Destiny
) show calendar for this year , come over!
July 7-10 Ventura, CA
June 6-9 - Vallejo,CA
May 16th - 19th Vallejo,CA
April 20-21 - Vallejo,CA

on January,
Pearl Golden Gate to Our Destiny
) in Daly City, CA! We
are VERY happy to announce that our traditional and favorite
show in Daly City, CA was a big success and very good
start of the NEW SHOW YEAR! We got BOB, WB and BBE both
days and GROUP 3 Under Judge Mr. Kenneth M. McDermott