"BLACK PEARLS-Litter C" DOB 12/20/2009

Dam: Jasenak Background(Jazz-Serbian import) Sire: Ch Jasenak Rock-N-Roll(Jack-Serbian Import)
Puppies Pedigree from "Litter C"
2 females and 2 males were born:
Black Pearl Rider On The Storm ;Black Pearl Moonlight Drive-boys
Black Pearl Spanish Caravan;Black Pearl Quin of the Highway-femails

Black Pearl Queen Of The Highway (Maddie) fly to her new home in San Diego, CA with Sue and AJ Smith. February 14th ,2010
This is what Sue said about her ...."...Maddie is doing just perfectly! She is such a great puppy! Eating, sleeping, and eliminating just fine. She loves her new surroundings and seems to be adjusting to it all very easily.She's playful and funny showing a wonderful confidence and yet still all the while having a wonderful gentle personality! She's just great! Thank you very much! "



"Hi Lina,
Just wanting to say Happy
Birthday to Litter "C"!! They are 4 years old
Maddie has been a true gift for us - she is a happy girl
100% of the time - she is friendly to everyone and loves
other dogs. There is no aggression towards people or other
dogs - she might bark initially but always friendly and
happy to greet them. She makes us laugh all the time with
some clownish behavior and seems to be happiest when getting
us all to smile at her!
Her favorite thing is to play with her ball - she loves
to go get it and bring it back - she could play that 500
times in a row and still not be tired. She also has a
excellent search and recover ability - we hide the ball
or a toy while she sits in one room - then tell her to
find it. She uses her nose & mouth and catches it's
scent and will find it every time ! It's really fascinating
and she is so proud of herself when she returns with the
object. She loves to go for walks and we are always stopped
by people asking about her and admiring her beauty as
well as her 'high- stepping' prance!! She really stops
traffic sometimes! I think we got a natural show dog here!!
I noticed you didn't have a show dog out of Litter C -
I think Maddie should of been one.
She is 11 pounds at last doctor 's visit (1 month ago)
and stands 13 1/2 " from the top of her shoulders
to the floor. Her coat is thick and still jet black. There
is a bit of brown in her little moustache and maybe a
hint of grey in her beard under her chin - otherwise she
is coal black .
She has been raised by my husband and I and loves us both
but I'd have to say that I'm definitely her favorite.
She is a Mama's girl. She is glued to my side 98% of the
time. I knit a lot and she lays beside me or on my lap
with the strands of yarn running across her head and body
... She 's never minded or even tried to fuss with it.
Anyway just wanted to give
you an update on our Maddie on her birthday and thank
you again for choosing us to be her family. We are blessed
to have her and tell her everyday!
Hope all the other "litter c's" are as wonderful
and happy as our "Maddie Girl".
Happy 4TH Birthday "Litter C "!
Sue Smith
''Hi Lina....
Just thinking about our Maddie and how lucky we are to
have her....
Can't believe she's already 5!!! Happy Birthday Litter
Happy Holidays from Maddie!
Always has a ball with her at all times! :)
Sue Smith''


Black Pearl Moonlight Drive (Ninja)went to his new home in Elk Grove, CA with Brandon and Arlene Persinger. February 20th ,2010
This is what Brandon said about his new puppy.... "... I don't want to jinx the karma, but he is just so very good! We couldn't be happier, Ninja is going to work out so well! Thank you Lina for providing us such a wonderful addition to our home!"

Black Pearl Spanish Caravan (Sheba) went to her new home in Newbury Park, CA with Marian and Colin Elliott. February 28th ,2010
Marian and Colin -about Sheba
...."She is lively, but is learning things very fast.
She will now sit on command, goes outside to go potty,
walks well around the block on the leash, and is learning
to fetch and drop a ball on command. Sheba's very people-oriented
and greets everyone enthusiatically. She loves body contact,
cuddles, and calms down quickly when she is given tummy
rubs! "

Black Pearl Rider On The Storm(Hershey) went to his new home in Danvill, CA with Jule and Lee Smith. March 7th ,2010
This is what Jule and Lee want to share with the
world about their new family member .... "Hershey
is a wonderful puppy and is bringing a lot of fun into
our lives! He has a perfect temperament, is
very smart and such a quick learner, and will be a very
important part of our family for years to come! Many
thanks to Lina and her daughter Sasha for all the love
and care they have given our little Black Pearl - he is
a treasure!"

4 Years

"Hershey is a very
athletic dog, loves to play 'tennis' with balls and is
an outstanding retriever. He could play the game for hours,
and has a great enthusiasm for finding hidden toys. He'd
be a wonderful 'search and rescue' dog!
He is very loving and really
wants to do all he can to please us, and listens to us
when we ask him to do something. So intelligent!
Hershey is still coal black
with a tiny number of white hairs here and there. I keep
both pups well-groomed and they always get admiring looks
when we go out, with lots of oohs and awhs about how beautiful
they are. Hershey is about 22 lbs. now and appx. 17 1/2"
at the shoulder - quite a handsome boy with his regal,
show-quality looks. His long legs, proud carriage and
fine headline set him apart from many poodles you see
around. I prefer to groom H&S with closely shaved
faces, trimmed body hair and poms on head/tails and ankles.
They absolutely love to be brushed and 'prettied up' and
enjoy their baths. Over time I have learned the tricks
needed to clip the faces and feet with minimum effort
and stress.
I wanted to let you know
some details about how Hershey has grown up to be a wonderful
pup (he and Snickers will always be our puppies!) and
addition to our family. "The Kids" bring us
a lot of joy and companionship.
Jule, Lee, Hershey and Snickers
05/27/2014 -"Hershey
is well and sends a big woofie hug! BTW, he has a new
game, catching the frisbee! Turns out he is quite good
at catching one when we go to the dog park, has great
eye-to-mouth contact and loves to run fast and leap up
to catch it! He is very athletic and this is a great way
for him to run off all that energy while having a great
time! "
Yes, Hershey is 5 years
old today, can you believe it? What a beautiful boy he
is, we thank you every day for such a wonderful addition
to our family. Hershey and Snickers are well and happy
and make us happy, too!
Lee and Jule Smith
Hershey recently turned
6 years old and Snickers will be 6 next week. My how the
years have flown! Both doggies are doing very well and
are such great companions (our 'kids' as you know!). We
still take them everywhere and recently took them on a
road trip to Arizona (the attached was taken on that trip).
They traveled in the van with us, over 2200 miles, and
were great travelers! I still groom them, keeping them
looking their best, and we always get admiring remarks
about how beautiful they are. Hershey is still coal black,
with a few white hairs on his face and a stray one here
and there, but that is about it. I mention this because
I recall you strive to breed for good color and Hershey
December 2018 *************************
Hershey will be 9 years old this week, with Snickers
right behind him in 2 weeks! Both of them are in very
good health and the happy guys they have always been.
Still going with us everywhere and loving their ball and
rope toy games, as well as their daily walks.
Attached are a few photos of the boys in their Christmas
hats and sweaters. They love to show off their pretty
poodle trims and get lots of attention whenever we go
out. Many thanks for bringing Hershey into our lives,
he and Snickers are such beautiful and loving 'kids'!