Big Thank you to handler Kathryn Dyer Bonds for wonerful presentation of our BlackPearl Rosa !
BlackPearl Wild Gypsy Rose(Rosa) second show in San Rafael, Sept 13-14th !
First place in open class! Winer Bitch and Best of Breed both days ! Best Puppy in Breed!

JUDGE: Mrs. Eva E. Ber
JUDGE: Mrs. Sharon A. Krogh
BlackPearl Wild Gypsy Rose(Rosa)DEBUT in Petaluma, Sept 6-7th !
First place in open class! Winer Bitch and Reserve Winner ! Best Puppy in Breed!
JUDGE: Mrs. Joan M. Zielinsk
JUDGE: Mrs. Noreen Cartwrigh
New picture of BlackPearl Wild Gypsy Rose(Rosa) at age of 5 month.
Jasenak Rock -N-Roll at Vallejo, CA
May 18th ,2008
Best of Opposite Sex and 3d place in Junior Showmanship competition!
New pictures of BlackPearl Wild Gypsy Rose(Rosa) at age of 12 weeks
April 27 th >>Our little "Black Pearls" found new homes!
New Owners:
Black Pearl Nocturne (Sasha) - Mr. Tom Craig & Mrs. Regina Jacobs >> Oakland, CA
Black Pearl Wild Gypsy Rose (Rosa)- Mrs.Sally Ciraolo >> El Cajon, CA
Jasenak Rock -N-Roll at Vallejo, CA!
April 19-20d ,2008
First place in open class! Winer dog and Besst of Winners both days ! NEW AMERICAN CHAMPION!!!
Big thank you to All judges and our friends who help us to make it happened! Personal Thank you to Collett Posadas for support and care!!!
JUDGE: Ms.Janet Allen Jacobsen
JUDGE: Ms. Paullet DeLong
Chief Solano Kennel Club
Vallejo , CA
Jasenak Rock -N-Roll at Vallejo, CA!
March 20-23d ,2008
First place in open class! Winer dog and Reserve Winner !
JUDGE: Mr.Malcome E. Moore
JUDGE: Mr. Robert H. Gregory
Kennel Club of Salinas
Vallejo , CA
Beautiful Litter of 2 girls was born February 23, 2008!
Black Pearl Nocturne
Black Pearl Whiled Gypsy Rose
Jasenak Rock -N-Roll at San Jose, CA!
February 17-18th ,2008
First place in open class! Reserve Winner Saturday !
JUDGE: Mrs. Anitra Cuneo
JUDGE: Mr. W. Everett Dean Jr.
Santa Clara ValleyKennel Club.
San Jose , CA
Check out Our Jazz Litter brother, Noddy . Animal Planet channel
February 2,2008 at 8:00 PM
Jasenak Rock -N-Roll at Daly City, CA!
January 26-27th ,2008
First place in puppy 12-18 month class! Reserve Winner both days !
JUDGE: Mr.Elizabeth Muthard
JUDGE: Mrs. Ann F. Yuhasz
Golden Gate Kennel Club.
Cow Palace
Daly City , CA
Jasenak Rock -N-Roll at Ventura , CA!
January 18-20th ,2008
First place in puppy 12-18 month class! Reserve Winner!
JUDGE: Ms.Elizabeth Muthard
JUDGE: Mrs.Charlotte P. Patterson
JUDGE: Mr. John C. Ramirez
SIMI Valley Kennel Club.
San Fernando Kennel Club
Ventura County Dog Fanciers
Ventura, CA