"BLACK PEARLS-Litter A" DOB 02/23/2008

Dam: Jasenak Background(Jazz-Serbian import) Sire: Ch Jasenak Rock-N-Roll(Jack-Serbian Import)
Puppies Pedigree from "Litter A"
2 females were born: Black Pearl Nocturne (Sasha) and CH Black Pearl Wild Gipcy Rose(Rosa)

Black Pearl Nocturne (Sasha) is a very beautiful girl with outstanding calm and stable temperament. She is getting ready to become a Therapy Dog and will be helping her owners DR. Richard and Nancy Bohannon, San Francisco, CA serve people with needs.

CH Black Pearl Wild Gipcy Rose (Rosa) is a very showy beautiful girl finished her show career with 16 points and 3 majors in 3 month. Owned by Mivida Poodles, El Cajon, CA