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on December 13th,2015

Gulfbreeze Buterfly With Black Pearl (Mariposa) at Antioch, CA Best of Breed, BOW,WB and our first 3 pt. Major under the judge Mrs.Janice L. McClary ! We are very happy , to see our friends and wishing all Happy Holiday Season!!!


on August 23d,2015

Gulfbreeze Buterfly With Black Pearl (Mariposa) at Sanra Rosa, CA WB and RW, total of 6point as of now :)


on August 1-2d ,2015

Gulfbreeze Buterfly With Black Pearl (Mariposa) at Dixon , CA WB and RW, total of 5 point as of now :)

Great time with old friends as usuall!:)


on April 20-24th,2015

Gulfbreeze Buterfly With Black Pearl (Mariposa) at PCA- Poodle Club of America National Spacialty at Salisbury , MD. We got First place in AOH class! Yahoo we are PCA winners!!!

Great time with old and new friends and FANTASTIC SHOW - every poodle lover have to see at least once !:)


on March 20-22th,2015

Gulfbreeze Buterfly With Black Pearl (Mariposa) Got another 2 points at Vallejo, CA dog show! 11 more to go :) Funny selfy on the way home



on February 15-16th,2015

Gulfbreeze Buterfly With Black Pearl (Mariposa) Got her first 2 points at San Jose, CA dog show! 13 more to go :)

Thank you to the Jadge Mrs. Peggy J. Hauck who gave us a compliment by sying :" Being a breeder my own I would take this dog home !"WOW

Best of Breed, BOS,Best of Winners , WB 2 days !!! Thank you all friends for support !



on January 24-25th,2015

Gulfbreeze Buterfly With Black Pearl (Mariposa) first show at age 6 month old in Cow Palace, Daily City ,CA

Well Done! Best of Breed, Best Puppy and Best Puppy Group 4!!! Thank you all friends and Extended Family :) for support !



on January 17th,2015

Black Pearl Gucci-Glamour(Missy) - Litter G went to his new home in Sannyvale, CA with Jin Liou family, January 17, 2015

Black Pearl Gracefull Gazelle(Piper) -Litter G went to his new home in Santa Monica, CA with Vanessa Wendling , January 17, 2015



on January 9th,2015



Black Pearl Golden Gangster (Meeko) - Litter G went to his new home in Los Angeles , CA with Cory Kaaukai


on January 2d,2015


Black Pearl Glorious Goddess (Niloo) Litter G went to her new home in Los Angeles , CA with Amir Delvarani and his wife . She will play with her older sister Ranna _Litter E. January 2 , 2015





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